Which Diseases Are Caused Or Made Worse By Smoking?

Lung cancer. About 30,000 people in the pakistani die from lung cancer each year. More than 8 in 10 cases are directly related to smoking.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). About 25,000 people in the pakistani die each year from this serious lung disease. More than 8 in 10 of these deaths are directly linked to smoking. People who die of COPD are usually quite unwell for several years before they die.
Heart disease. This is the biggest killer illness in the pakistani. About 120,000 people in the pakistani die each year from heart disease. About 1 in 6 of these is due to smoking.
Other cancers - of the mouth, nose, throat, larynx, gullet (oesophagus), pancreas, bladder, cervix, blood (leukaemia), and kidney are all more common in smokers.
Circulation. The chemicals in tobacco can damage the lining of the blood vessels and affect the level of lipids (fats) in the bloodstream. This increases the risk of atheroma forming (sometimes called hardening of the arteries). Atheroma is the main cause of heart disease, strokes, peripheral vascular disease (poor circulation of the legs), and aneurysms (swollen arteries which can burst causing internal bleeding). All of these atheroma-related diseases are more common in smokers.
Sexual problems. Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to become impotent or have difficulty in maintaining an erection in middle life. This is thought to be due to smoking-related damage of the the blood vessels to the penis.
Rheumatoid arthritis. Smoking is known to be a risk factor for developing rheumatoid arthritis. One research study estimated that smoking is responsible for about 1 in 5 cases of rheumatoid arthritis.
Ageing. Smokers tend to develop more lines on their face at an earlier age than non-smokers. This often makes smokers look older than they really are.
Fertility is reduced in smokers (both male and female).
Menopause. On average, women who smoke have a menopause nearly two years earlier than non-smokers.
Other conditions where smoking often causes worse symptoms include: asthma, colds, flu, chest infections, tuberculosis, chronic rhinitis, diabetic retinopathy, hyperthyroidism, multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, and Crohn's disease.
Smoking increases the risk of developing various other conditions including: dementia, optic neuropathy, cataracts, macular degeneration, pulmonary fibrosis, psoriasis, gum disease, tooth loss, osteoporosis and Raynaud's phenomenon.

 Health Tips for Children

Health Tips for Children
Health Tips for Children
Health Tips for Children is the blog post today i am going to share you. This blog also covers children health tips, good health tips for children, healthy tips for children, health care tips for children

Following are the Health Tips for Children:

1. Supply of Nutritious foods:

Parents will know which food will give more nutrients for their children. They only have to decide which food to buy and how to serve them. But children or kids will do not know the real value of the nutrition. It is parents who have to take in charge which food gives more nutrition to their kids or children. Good Nutritious food will be always healthy for all children and kids to health them grow stronger and stronger.

2. Exercise:

Make the children to start practicing exercise or Yoga in the morning daily. Practicing Yoga in the morning will help children in developing their mental ability and as well as it makes them more brisk throughout the day. Make them to do small exercise initially so that they can get more interest and naturally they will continue by themselves.

3. Daily Bathing:

Parents must make their children to take bath by themselves regularly. They should suggest the children the best soap for them and make them clean and perfect among the other children.

4. Drink Calories count:

As we know most of the children will drink soda and other drinks as they like. But water and milk will be the best drink for children and kids. Make your children a habit of drinking water and fresh juices regularly in order to get more energy. There are many benefits of drinking hot water in the early morning in empty stomach. This will help indigestion.

5. Avoid Desserts:

Sweets are fine for some times, but you should not create a habit for your children to eat more sweets and desserts daily. This will help your children becoming fatter and as a result it will lead to a danger in the end. Make them eat more fruits and vegetables which contain more minerals and vitamins in nature. This will strengthen their body and muscles and will get adequate amount of energy which helps them perform their daily functions in a much easier way.

6. Fun Time:

Instead of making them watch TV and Computer for a very long time, you create a habit of making them learning some good activities. You can teach them the best mind activity games for their leisure timings. This will help them to think more and will help in future as they grew.

7. Outside:

It is best to plan a trip weekly one like shopping, theaters, fun activities which make them relax and they will know the outer environment too. Try to make them mingle with other children and kids to share their thinking and thoughts.

Friends, i do hope that this blog post on health tips for children, will be very much helpful for all the children in their day to day life to lead a healthier lifestyle. 

              Best Health Tips for Men

Best Health Tips for Men
Today i am going to post some good health tips for men, that needs to be followed daily by all men, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This blog covers topics on health tips for men, men health tips, health care tips for men and etc.

Health Tips for Men

The health tips for men are different when compared to women. Women may need nutrients during her pregnancy and protection from breast cancer, men also need nutrients in building his body muscles, prevent from prostate cancer and etc.

Men tend to have his favorites but not all are the best from to maintain a good health. But men have to follow regular healthy diet and must do physical exercise to prevent from heart disease and cancer.
There are certain quotes from the health professionals for best health tips for men. They are listed below.

The food that is good for cardio vascular system is good for erectile function in all men - Christine Gerbstadt ( for daily health tips for men)

Nutrients good for heart can also improve the blood circulation to all parts of the body. - Gerbstadt ( for good health tips for men)

Following are the Health Tips for Men:

1. Avoid White Food:

Try to avoid using white foods in your Diet, as this helps in rapid blood sugar level, diabetes and other health problems. Avoid breads, white flour, and white sugar and try to include eating fiber rich vegetables and fruits.

2. Oysters:

Oysters help in delivering antioxidants mineral zinc to men. The mineral Zinc helps in body processes like producing DNA and also helps in repairing cells. It helps in protecting from cellular damage. The adequate zinc helps in increasing the sperm counts in the male reproductive system. Doctor advice to eat shellfish, beef, pork, legumes and etc.

3. Maintain your body weight:

It is good to maintain a healthy weight by doing regular exercise. Every day exercise will help you in reducing the heart problems, hypertension and makes you relax and comfort throughout the day.

4. Bananas:

Bananas are rich in potassium, and help in giving quick energy to all and involve in regulating nerves, heartbeat and also blood pressure. The potassium and magnesium content helps in preventing us from stroke.

Banana contains rich source of Vitamin B 6, which helps in immune system, increase in red blood cells, and nervous system. Doctor advice to take at least one banana a day as it contains potassium in it.

5. Drinking wine:

Drinking less amount of alcohol will help you against heart diseases like heart attack and lowers risk of death.

6. Fatty Fish:

Omega 3 fatty acids help in lowering triglyceride, aches, pains and prostate cancer. They help in heart functioning, blood circulation, immune system etc.

Salmon, Tuna, Herring, and Sardines has the rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Eating fish twice a week helps in increase in omega 3 fatty acids.

7. Avoid Drinking and Smoking:

Try to avoid smoking as this will help you in living a healthy lifestyle over years.

8. Broccoli:

Broccoli helps in preventing heart diseases and cancer. It is rich in Vitamin C, potassium, sulphoraphane.

9. Brazil Nuts:

Brazil Nuts are rich in magnesium and selenium, which helps in preventing heart disease, cancer, and prostate health. Selenium helps in lowering LDL, blood clots and heart diseases.

10. Whole Grains:

Intake of whole grains provides vitamins, minerals, fibers and helps in building muscles, keeping heart from any diseases. Also, helps in digestive problems.

11. Plant Stanols:

Stanols are mainly present in fresh fruits and vegetables which help in lowering the blood cholesterol levels in the body. Stanols are now added in yogurt, margarine, orange juices, granola bars and etc.
Farrell, giving the health tips as "Men should regularly include a total of 2 grams of plant Stanols, taken in two doses with meals, to help inhibit absorption of cholesterol in the intestine".

12. Soybeans:

Soybeans are rich in isoflavones, which helps in lowering prostate cancer. Everyone must eat at least 1 ounce of soybeans to decrease cholesterol.
13. Red-Orange Vegetables:

Red orange vegetables help in preventing oxidation from sun.

14. Berries or Cherries:

They are mainly for healthy lifestyle. They are rich in antioxidant and Vitamin C. Adding Berries helps in function the brain very well even at aging.

15. Visit Doctor:

It is very important to check your body every month by visiting your family doctors and nearby doctor. This will help you living a healthier lifestyle.

Friends, i do hope that this blog on health tips for men, will be very much helpful for all the men in their day to day life to lead a healthier lifestyle.

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